Amrit Snan festival: On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath extended his heartfelt wishes to those taking a holy dip in the Ganga during Mahakumbh 2025. Through a heartfelt post on his social media handle X, he congratulated the revered saints, Kalpvasis, and devotees participating in this grand convergence of faith, equality, and unity.
CM Yogi described Mahakumbh as a symbol of the immense power and faith of Sanatan Dharma. He wrote, “On the first Amrit Snan day, more than 3.5 crore revered saints and devotees earned the merit of bathing in the eternal and pure Triveni Sangam.”
The Chief Minister expressed his gratitude to all the departments and organizations involved in the successful execution of the first Amrit Snan of Mahakumbh. He stated, “I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the revered akhadas, Mahakumbh Mela administration, local authorities, police administration, sanitation workers, volunteer organizations, religious institutions, boatmen, and all the departments from both the central and state governments associated with Mahakumbh.”
He also extended his best wishes to the people of the state and devotees and wishing for the smooth running of this Maha Yagya of faith, he wrote, “Punya Fale, Mahakumbh Chale.”
The congregation of devotees and their enthusiasm on Makar Sankranti at the Sangam ghats of Mahakumbh 2025 presented once again the unparalleled image of India’s rich culture and traditions.